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We started this website because we want to share tips and information to help encourage more people to get into birding. Our goal is to make birding more accessible for all. We hope you enjoy exploring the site and that it helps you on your birding adventures!

Our Story

Birding Space started with a pair of passionate birders looking to make an impact. United by a shared love of birds and a drive to help others better enjoy our birds and nature in general, we launched this digital hub in 2023. What began as a bird blog hobby has evolved into a growing, comprehensive resource serving birders at all experience levels with the ID guides, gear guides, hotspot recommendations, and more. As our platform grows, so does our dedication to informing, inspiring, and delighting fellow bird lovers worldwide.

Our Mission

Birding Space exists to make the joys of birding more engaging, accessible and informative for enthusiasts everywhere. We provide the practical resources – from optimal binocular recommendations to region-specific birding guides – that allow people at every skill level to better observe, understand, and protect birds. Our platform aims to educate on bird ecology while building an inclusive space for appreciating the beauty, behaviors, and benefits of the birds around us. Through personalized recommendations, ever-growing content libraries, and community, we hope to increase diversity in birding participation. Our ultimate goal is simpler: share our passion so more people can experience the sense of wonder that comes from watching our planet’s birdlife.

Meet the Team

Nathan Mixon – Lead Editor

Nathan has been birding for years, since he decided to learn the birds in his back garden. What started as a hobby looking at backyard birds soon grew into a lifelong passion. Nathan has birded across the United States and Africa, including Kenya, where he grew up and currently lives. He enjoys photographing birds and sharing his knowledge with others. Nathan is a committed eBird user and loves contributing to citizen science projects. When he’s not out birding, Nathan enjoys reading and writing about birds and conservation. He has had his photography shared on established bird and wildlife photography platforms and has several upcoming publications in the works, including for Kenya Birding, Kenya’s premier birding magazine.

Chris Seo – Advisor

Chris started exploring birding later in life to help him slow down from the demands of corporate life. He has spent the last 15 years building and managing websites in the private sector and is thrilled to utilize that skillset for his new hobby of birding.

As a team made up of digital publishers and birding experts our goal is to bring together this extensive knowledge to answer some of the most exciting and intriguing questions that exist within the birding kingdom. Our team is busy researching the most popular topics on the internet to bring the facts that you want. Feel free to reach out and contact us at We would love to hear from you.