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Tytonidae – Barn-Owls

American Barn Owl in Texas, USA: Photo by Ian Davies

Enter the world of Tytonidae, the family that encompasses the captivating Barn-Owls. Explore our collection of ID guides and articles to unravel the mysteries surrounding these silent nocturnal hunters. From their ghostly appearance to their remarkable hunting techniques, learn all about the fascinating lives of barn owls. Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or simply curious about these iconic birds, come join us as we delve into the enchanting realm of Tytonidae!

Overview of Tytonidae

Tytonidae, the family of Barn-Owls, stands in stark contrast to its lesser-known counterparts, comprising around ten species predominantly inhabiting tropical islands with limited ranges. For many of these species, approximately eight, crucial aspects of their breeding biology remain shrouded in mystery. Distinguishing themselves with a lighter build and elongated legs compared to their Strigidae relatives, tytonids appear better suited to warmer climates. Despite their diversity, all members of this avian family share a distinctive heart-shaped facial disk, adept at collecting sound waves, alongside asymmetrical ear openings, honed adaptations for nocturnal hunting. Their vocalizations, often emitted mid-flight, resonate more as hisses or screams rather than traditional hoots. Across habitats, they predominantly subsist on an abundant supply of small rodents, showcasing the Barn Owl’s exceptional ability to modulate its reproductive efforts in response to fluctuations in food availability.